Student Ministry Podcasts
A podcast is a web feed of audio or video files placed on the Internet for anyone to download or subscribe. Podcasters' websites also may offer direct download of their files, but the subscription feed of automatically delivered new content is what distinguishes a podcast from a simple download or real-time streaming. Usually, the podcast features one type of "show" with new episodes either sporadically or at planned intervals such as daily, weekly, etc.
Here are some youth ministry podcasts you might want to check out...
Here are some youth ministry podcasts you might want to check out...
- Simply Youth Ministry podcast with Doug Fields (with video too)
Introducing the Simply Youth Ministry podcast with Doug Fields and friends. Why not download and give it a's free...and somewhat entertaining. Just enough youth ministry so you don't feel guilty for not working. - Youth Specialties Podcast
A monthly podcast to bring encouragement, training, new resources, and other great stuff to youth workers. - StudentCAST - Your Student Ministry Podcast
Filled with training resources, commentary on student culture headlines, and interviews with "In the Trenches" youth workers like you - StudentCAST helps equip and encourage you as you invest in the lives of students.